Church Loans 

We serve Assemblies of God churches and churched-based ministries with loans to fund new construction, renovation, refinance, capital expansions, and the purchase of new property.

Looking for Help?

Don’t stress about the loan process! Our team of loan consultants are here to help pastors and churches navigate the loan process. Reach out to one of our consultants today to learn more about our church loans and get the process started.

John Bongiorno

[email protected]

Don Champion

[email protected]

Bucky Deleasa

[email protected]

Dr. Randall Rogers

[email protected]

Loan Application Process

Our loans help Assemblies of God churches fund new construction, renovation, refinance, capital expansions, and the purchase of new property. The loan application has a complete list of documents, but here are a few items to get you started. If you have questions our Loan Consultants are here to help.

Getting started 

1. Completed Loan Application

Our loan application will walk you through submitting the information needed for loan approval. There is a $250 application fee that needs to be submitted with the application. Download the Loan Application.

2. Income Statements & Balance Sheets

Please prepare and collect Income Statements and Balance Sheets from your accounting software. We will want reports for the previous three years. Additionally, submit the current years reports ending on the last day of the most recent completed month.

3. District or Network Recommendation

Your District or Network will need to complete and submit a recommendation form. Download the District Recommendation

4. Corporate Documents

We will need a copy of your Articles of Incorporation from your state and a copy of the church’s bylaws.

 5. Pictures & Purchase Contract

Please submit color pictures of the land or building and a copy of the purchase contract when applicable.

Submit Completed Documents

Email Documents

Email to your loan rep or
Email: [email protected]

Mail Application Fee 

3 Kacey Ct, Ste. 101
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the loan application process take?

Every situation and transaction is unique depending on the property, project, or requested loan amount, but here are some estimates to help you plan accordingly.

Loan approval could take up to 5 weeks once paperwork is submitted. After your loan is approved it can take 6-8 weeks for your loan to clear underwriting, title, and be ready for closing.

While there are variables to the process, our team will do its best to move your loan forward in a timely manner.

Will I have online access to my loan account?

Yes, once your loan is closed you will receive instructions for setting up online access. Our online portal will allow you to see your current loan details, view statements, and payment history.

Can I make additional payments to my loan?

Yes, there is no limitation or penalty for making additional payments on your loan. You can make extra principal payments within the online account portal or you can email [email protected] and state the amount, date, loan number for the additional payment.